Thursday, July 16, 2009

My drug of choice

I fell off the wagon. Not only did I fall off the wagon, but I tumbled off it and smacked my head on the ground.

After vowing to give up Coke and only drink it during visits to restaurants (which is down to only 3-5 times per month), I bought a 12-pack on Tuesday afternoon. And finished it today.

Like the enabler I am, I said to myself, "What harm is it going to do? You're working so hard at your homework; you deserve a tall icey tasty delicious cola in a frosty mug. And 12-packs are on sale at Smith's! If you get one, you'll be helping the economy by stimulating the market, while still saving money. It's a win-win situation."

After I consumed the majority of the 12-pack in less than three days, I did what all good addicts do, and tried to rationalize. "Uh, Kelby came over and had one, and I know I gave one to Christine, and I only drank half of one before it got all hot and gross in the car..."

I'll do the math: 12-pack of Cokes minus Kelby's drink, Christine's drink, and 1/2 of the hot soda=9.5 cokes in three days. And Matt and I plan on going to Cafe Rio tonight, and my pork burrito with black beans and medium sauce enchillada style with a side of guac just wouldn't be the same without a Coke.

Someone grab a dentist and stage an intervention before I become consumed with my need for cold, sugary, caffeinated beverages.

Here's a picture of me enjoying my last Coke of the 12-pack. And yes, it does taste better with a bendy straw.

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