Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Extreme Makeover Apartment Edition

Lately I've been really disenchanted with our apartment. While it is a decent size for a one bedroom apartment (734 square feet), we have a ton of shit and not very much storage. We still have stuff in boxes from when we moved in June, which is really pathetic. In order to mend this situation, we've made these goals:

1. Come up with a different arrangement for the furniture. This will probably entail moving some stuff into the bedroom, because right now our livingroom is very overcrowded.

2. Get rid of stuff. This includes the washer and dryer that have been sitting on our balcony. Any takers?

3. Come up with creative storage ideas. We've put the bed on risers so we can store stuff underneath it, but haven't yet purchased storage containers that can slide under the bed. I'm think that buying a flat screen TV would save tons of space, but Matt isn't convinced. :)

This is a picture of the model apartment in our complex (ours is the exact same layout):

While that looks nice, the model apartment doesn't have the following items that we have: 2 bookcases, TV with stand, desk with computer, loveseat.

I've been looking at Apartment Therapy all morning to get ideas, but I am not feeling inspired. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you get a new flat panel, let me have my old tv back. I broke the old one here at home.