Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election hangover aka America loves Obama and hates the gays

All of the campaigning is finally over. The Presidential election results weren't much of a surprise, but two statewide votes have angered me.

Arkansas voted to ban unmarried couples from adopting or becoming foster parents. You are probably saying to yourself, "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!??!!?" But no, I am not kidding. The measure was created to fight what Arkansas officials are calling "the gay agenda," but I just see it as another way to discriminate. Most states have a hard enough time finding foster parents, so why would a state limit those resources even more? I'd much rather see a child raised by a gay couple in a committed relationship than crack-addicted parents. Another facet that most people aren't looking at: the measure doesn't just apply to gay couples--it also applies to straight couples who aren't married.

And this is the state that gave us Bill Clinton, someone who is notorious for having a moral compass that isn't exactly due North.

Also in the anti-gay news, California voted to "define marriage," which will in turn eliminate legal gay marriage in the state. Arizona and Florida did the same, but gay marriage was not legal in those states so it was an unnecessary amendment.

Here's my plan to fix the "economic crisis": legalize gay marriage. Most of the gay people I know who are in committed relationships would throw extravagant weddings, spending tons of money, "stimulating" the economy. I'm just sayin'.

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