Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I've got mad culinary skillz

Since people seem to think that Matt is losing weight because of my poor culinary skills, I've decided to blog more about what I've been cooking. Not one, but TWO people commented that Matt seemed to have lost weight after getting married, and it has to be because of Brianna's cooking. I'd like to remind them that we lived in sin before we got married, so he's been eating my crappy meals for years; in fact, it was my cooking that made him gain weight in the first place. Just kidding about the crappy meals part; my meals are pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

While I have had a few kitchen mishaps (there was an incident with a pot roast), my year of unemployement consisted of many hours watching the Food Network. Maybe Matt's weight loss is due to the fact that I've been cooking salmon and steamed vegetables, or because we eat whole grains and veggie burgers, while some people (namely, one of the people who commented on my alleged bad cooking) serve Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese as a side dish on a regular basis. And I'm not saying I always cook healthy meals--I do the fried chicken and mashed potatoes thing sometimes--but I am more conscious about what we are eating lately.

So, on to the post about what I've been cooking....
It was cold and rainy yesterday, so I decided to make some soup. It turned out pretty damn good (go me!). It's based on my mom's minestrone recipe, which is tasty and super easy to make. You basically take some beef broth and add in some seasonings and whatever you have in your cupboard. I added beef, 1/2 an onion (diced), kidney beans, green beans, macaroni, a fresh tomato, a can of fire-roasted tomatoes, garlic, oregano, basil, salt and pepper. I served it with cheddar corn muffins, and Matt and Caitlin said they both enjoyed it. Matt ate three corn muffins, and while I don't have any physical proof that I'm not starving him, he will attest to the fact that my meal was the bomb-diggity.

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