Yesterday, I received this voicemail at work:
"Hi, I need some research as soon as possible. Please call me back when you get this."
Our phone system doesn't show caller ID for missed calls, so I frantically tried to figure out which of my clients needed research. I didn't know the guy's name, phone number, or even what research he needed. A co-worker suggested that I ask IT, and maybe they could at least get the phone number. I emailed the help desk, but they weren't able to help me.
Just when I had finally given up on finding the dude, I get this email from Matt:
Did you get my message requesting the report? I didn't recognize my own husband's voice! I felt like an idiot.
While I appreciate his sense of humor, Matt has a tendency to take jokes too far. Christine and I used to say that Matt was playing his own game of "taking it too far" with all jokes and comments. A group can be laughing and joking around, and he'll make a highly inappropriate comment that will silence the group.
No topic is off limits, either. I remember watching the African Children's Choir sing on American Idol, and Matt made a reference to Hotel Rwanda (which we had just seen), asking if the children were Tutsi or Hutu. I'm sure the joke went a few steps beyond the line of appropriateness, but I seem to have blocked out that memory.
Another instance of "taking it too far" occurred last week. I had a headache one night last week, so I decided to take a long, hot bath. While I was relaxing in the tub, Matt knocked on the bathroom door.
"You cleaned out the bathtub before you got in, right?" he asked.
Of course I hadn't. "No. Why?"
"Oh, I started peeing in the shower. I thought you knew that," he said with a straight face.
I said something along the lines of "Are you fucking kidding me!?!!?!?/I'm going to vomit/That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard!!" and jumped out. He waited until I started to drain the tub before he told me he was joking.
He claimed his joke was inspired by a Seinfeld episode where George pees in the shower at the gym, but for some reason I fail to have a sense of humor when I'm standing in the bathroom sopping wet with a pounding headache, fearful that I had been soaking in a tub of pee-water.
"Do the medical journals say anything about standing in a pool of someone else's urine?"
- Jerry Seinfeld (talking to George)